2023 Updates
Arielle Lubeck
Dear Carla Savage-Wells Scholarship,
It is with great satisfaction that I am sharing this update of my first year in college.
First and foremost, were it not for your support, I would not have courageously entered college with the peace and relief that my tuition was supported by a scholarship from your organization. I can wholeheartedly affirm that I have put your faith in my achievements to good use. I have gone on to meet my first-year goals and planned out my career path toward becoming a doctor. My current GPA is a 3.98 amidst carrying an intense math and science load of classes such as Calculus, Chemistry, and Biology.
Another exciting mention is that I am being mentored by an Emergency Medicine Pediatric doctor who is directing my pursuit of academics, research, and clinical experience. My research goals will include the study of regenerative cells in reptiles. By tracking the cross traits between reptile embryos and human embryos, I hope to discover new links that can positively impact how we treat diseases and/or discover abnormalities.
To date, the intentions that I expressed in my scholarship application have indeed come to pass. It is my thought that your organization would be pleased to hear of how well I have stewarded the funds and of my continuing plans. Considering all of this, my writing to your organization is also to ask if you would kindly consider to support me another year now as a college student? If you scholarships were intended only for high school students, would there be any additional scholarships that I could apply for in your realm of influence that you know are for college students?
I truly thank you for your time and investment in my future. Kindly find my transcript below for your review.
Many kind regards,
Arielle Lubeck